The criteria for evaluating applicants for participation in outgoing student learning mobility include:
- Proficiency in the language in which the learning/placement will take place at the host institution. (Language level: C1 and C2- 4 points, B2-3 points, B1-2 points, A2-1 point, A1-0 points. Criterion importance factor – 3);
- Well-grounded motivation for participation in mobility under the Erasmus+ programme related to professional development (from 0 to 4 points. Criterion importance coefficient – 3);
- Number of mobility participations under the Erasmus+ programme (1st participation – 4 points, 2nd participation – 2 points, 3rd and more participations – 0 points. Criterion importance factor – 3);
- Number of participations in the selected institution (1st participation – 4 points, 2nd participation – 2 points, 3rd and more participations – 0 points. Factor of importance of the criterion – 2);
- Average performance (5.50-6.00 – 4 points, 00-5.49- 3 points, 4.49-4.99 – 2 points, 4.00-4.49 – 1 point. Criterion importance factor – 2);
- Carrying out mobility in the country of origin (outside the country of origin – 4 points, in the country of origin – 0 points. Factor of importance of the criterion – 1);
A procedure for selecting candidates for participation in outgoing student learning mobility is conducted at least once or until the funds allocated for the academic year are used up.
A procedure for selecting candidates for participation in student mobility for the purpose of training is conducted with a competition for documents and holding an interview with them in the language in which the mobility will take place.
The ranking of students is carried out on the basis of candidate evaluation criteria and the results obtained according to the evaluation card of candidates for participation in student mobility for the purpose of studying under the Program.
If the candidate has 1 point (inclusive) under criterion 1 “Proficiency in the language in which the training will take place at the host institution” he is not qualified to participate in student mobility for the purpose of training. In this case, the weighting factor of the criterion is not taken into account.
The student who received the highest number of points in accordance with the evaluation card for participating in student mobility for the purpose of studying under the Program is ranked first. The remaining candidates are ranked in descending order.
In the event of an equal number of points, the candidate with a higher GPA is ranked higher.
The ranking of candidates is carried out up to the number of funds for which VSU has received for the relevant academic year. Candidates who are classified in the reserve have the right to carry out student mobility for the purpose of studying as “zero grant” students. Reserve students can receive an Erasmus grant in the event that one of the selected students refuses to participate in student mobility or if additional funds are available.
The ranked students retain their position according to the evaluation card of the applicants for participation in student mobility for the purpose of study, but according to the number of mobilities stipulated in the inter-institutional agreement they can be ranked according to their next desire (which is indicated in the student’s application form).
The list of approved students, students on reserve and students rejected by the committee is published on the website of the Program in the “News” section.
Within one week of the publication of the results on the website of the Program, the student must confirm or refuse participation in the Program in writing.
The specialty of the selected students should correspond to the field of knowledge in which the training will take place. In the event that the students are from a specialty that does not correspond to the field of knowledge for which the inter-institutional agreement was concluded, coordination with the relevant faculty ECTS-coordinator is necessary.