The financial support (Erasmus grant) for participation in student learning mobility or mobility for placement is a financial aid aimed at supporting the additional costs of the mobility caused by differences in the cost of living abroad. The Erasmus grant is not a scholarship, it does not provide for the full coverage of mobility costs.

The Erasmus grant is awarded only for the permitted programme period of study/placement at the host institution.

The Erasmus grant for participation in student learning mobility or mobility for placement is monthly, its amount is fixed and cannot be changed during the relevant academic year. The Erasmus grant is defined according to three groups of countries:

  • Group 1 (countries, participating in the programme with a high standard of living) – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Sweden, Liechtenstein, Norway – 540 euros;
  • Group 2 (countries, participating in the programme with an average standard of living) – Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Malta, Portugal – 540 euros;
  • Group 3 (countries, participating in the programme with a low standard of living) – Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Republic of North Macedonia, Turkey – 490 euros.

Students participating in student mobility for placement will receive additional support from the EU in the amount of 200 euros per month, determined by the Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC). Additional financial support is provided on an equal basis to all students within the same higher education institution, regardless of the financial support the student may receive from the host institution.

The Erasmus grant is awarded only for a real stay in placement under the Programme. The amount of the Erasmus grant is calculated by multiplying the number of months per student by the unit rate, per month, applicable for the respective host country. In case of an incomplete month, the Erasmus grant is calculated by multiplying the number of days of the incomplete month by 1/30 of the monthly rate. The Erasmus grant is calculated using an electronic calculator provided by the European Commission.

The start date should be the first day the student has to attend the host organization (for example, this could be the start date of the first course/first day at work, a welcome event organized by the host institution or a language and intercultural course).

The cut-off date should be the last day on which the student must attend lectures/placement in the host country.

The start of the mobility is the later date (of the two dates – the beginning of the academic semester and the arrival of the student at the host institution, respectively). For example:

  • If the work process of organization “X” begins on October 1, but the student arrived on October 4, then October 4 is considered the starting date of the mobility;
  • If the work process of organization “X” begins on October 1, but the student arrived on September 25, then October 1 is considered the starting date of the mobility (because that is when the actual studies at the host university begin).

The end of the mobility is the earlier date (of the two dates – respectively the end of the last working day and the departure of the student from the host organization to Bulgaria). For example:

  • If the work process of organization “X” ends on June 30, but the student leaves for Bulgaria on June 26, the end of mobility is considered to be June 26;
  • If the work process of organization “X” ends on June 30, but the student leaves for Bulgaria on July 7, then the end of mobility is considered to be June 30 (because that is when the studies at the host university actually end).

The programme does not cover transportation costs for students from Bulgaria.
The equalization scheme for the actual stay in student mobility for placement is not applicable to mobilities with a duration of less than 2 (two) calendar months. Any stay of less than 2 (two) calendar months is illegitimate for the Programme and the provision of funds for such a training period is subject to a full refund.